Arcadia Power Review | Pay Electric Bills with Credit Card

I try to use credit cards anywhere I can to earn points and rewards, but with electricity bills, it’s either not possible or you’ll get charged a fee for doing so. Not anymore. I’ll let you know how you can use Arcadia Power to pay your electric bills with a credit card for free!

Sign-up for Arcadia Power this month using any of our links and get up to $10 off your next electric bill – absolutely for free!

How do I pay my electric bills with a credit card?

Like I said above, most electric companies won’t let you pay with a credit card. You usually have to send them check or transfer funds from a checking account. Those that do let you will charge you a service fee of around 2.5%.

Well, a company called Arcadia Power is changing that. Arcadia Power provides a service that will pay your electric bill with any credit card you choose. There are no service fees whatsoever and you don’t have to change your utility service.

Why would I want to pay my electric bills with a credit card?

If you’ve read my site for a while, you know I hate using cash for anything because it doesn’t offer any rewards. I try to use credit cards anywhere I can for points and cash back. It’s part of the reason why I can earn millions of credit card points.

What is Arcadia Power?

Arcadia Power is a company that really has two goals:

  • It connects to your electric bill so you not only can pay it with a credit card for free, but see how you’re using power with pretty charts and graphs
  • It invests in renewable energy resources to make our world a cleaner place to live in without you having to change anything about your service

The first part is self-explanatory and it’s probably why you’re reading this post to begin with.

The second part is they offset 50% of your energy consumption by investing in green energy. This is done behind the scenes, but it makes you feel good that you’re helping the environment.

That’s all you really need to know if you want to use your credit card to pay your electric bill. If you want to really utilize everything Arcadia Power has to offer though, keep on reading.

Ninja Note: Unfortunately, as of November 2020, Arcadia Power has removed the free option, which means the only option is the paid option that sources 100% of your energy from renewable resources. The paid option costs $5 a month.

What else can I do with Arcadia Power?

1. Get better electric rates

You can opt-in and have Arcadia Power monitor how much energy you use and what you’re paying for your electricity. If they find a lower rate compared to your current energy usage and price, they’ll switch you over automatically.

Arcadia Power process flow for lowering electric rates
(Image from Arcadia)

Some people are already doing this on your own. The problem with handling this yourself is that you typically sign up for a teaser rate that while great, is only temporary. Once the promotional period is over, your electric costs shoots up higher than what you had to begin with.

You could keep switching your electric supplier every 6 months (or however long your promotional rate is for), but why? Part of managing your finances is automating what you can in order to save time AND money.

Arcadia Power monitors electric rates
(Image from Arcadia)

2. Change to 100% green energy

Earlier, I told you how Arcadia Power offsets 50% of your energy consumption by investing in green energy. This is done for free.

But what if you want 100% of your energy to be offset? Well, you can.

Arcadia Power will upgrade your energy usage to 100% wind energy for a cost of 1.5 cents per kWh. If you do so, you’ll also receive 4 LED light bulbs for free.

(Image from Arcadia)

3. Buy community solar panels

Saving money with Arcadia Power's community solar program
(Image from Arcadia)

This is a cool idea!

You’ve probably seen houses with solar panels on top of their roofs. Those homeowners are saving money every month because all or most of their energy is produced by the sun.

There’s a couple of reasons why not everyone is doing this:

  • Installation and solar panels are expensive
  • Roof is not compatible with solar panels
  • Homes may not have enough direct sunlight to generate enough energy
  • Solar panels look ugly to some people

Arcadia Power is offering you the ability to buy solar panels for $100 each that’s installed at a remote community solar farm. You’ll get the savings monthly for 10 years.

The more panels you buy, the more you’ll save. Also, since this is not installed at your home, it’s available to BOTH homeowners and renters. It’s transferable if you move in the future too!

1 Solar Panel Savings Example:

Here’s what 1 solar panel would do for the average household:

Arcadia Power one solar panel savings overview
(Image from Arcadia)

You save $1 per month or $12 a year. Over 10 years that you get the savings, you’ll save $120, which is $20 more than the $100 you spend.

Now, that was a simplistic example since no one buys a single solar panel. Let’s say you buy 50 solar panels for $5,000 (50 x $100). That’s still a lot less than the average cost of an actual solar panel installation at a house, which runs between $10,000 to $15,000.

50 Solar Panel Savings Example:

Arcadia Power 50 solar panels savings overview
(Image from Arcadia)

Your electric bill will be $50 less per month or $600 less a year. Over 10 years, you’ll save $6,000, which is $1,000 more than the $5,000 you spent. That’s not too shabby!

Even though this site is about making money and saving money, this also helps the environment and goes a long way in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and the pollution it creates. Saving money and feeling good? Yes please!

The Bottom Line

Regardless if you want the optional services Arcadia Power provides, it makes sense to sign-up with Arcadia so you can pay your electric bills with your credit card. Don’t leave points and cash back on the table.

However, I’d recommend to take a closer look at the other three items I mentioned. You can save even more money and be part of a greener (and much needed) movement towards clean energy.

About John Pham

John Pham is a personal finance expert, serial entrepreneur, and founder of The Money Ninja. He has also been fortunate enough to have appeared in the New York Times, Boston Globe, and U.S. News & World Report. John has a B.S. in Entrepreneurship and a Masters in Business Administration, both from the University of New Hampshire.

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3 years ago

The amount is only $10 not $25

5 years ago

Is it possible to pay your mortgage with a credit card too?

5 years ago

Whatttttt?!?! 🤯